Maquinas dos Desejos

Be Happy

Maquinas dos Desejos litteraly means Desires Machine in Portuguese. During the second semester of my erasmus, I got intersted in this class from the Design department. The goal of the class was to think about a machin, to design a machine that would answer to one wish. We had to imagine its design and how it could work and then communicate it the way we wanted.
First, I thought how funny it was to wish to have a machine that would answer one wish. My first move would be to wish to have more wishes. And then I realized, why would I rely on a machine to make me happy? Because having wishes answered is about being the happiest ever right? Then how easy it is to expect from a machine to make you happy when being happy is to live and be confronted to problems, finding solutions on your own.

Then I thought that the best machine to underlines what I was thinking was a box, with a computer inside or more precisly a computer being desguised in a box. The box would look really appealing, for everyone to get easily attracted to it. The when you go inside there is this computer with a game on it. The game would get you hypnotized: “what if I WIN? What would happen?”. Btu the game is about circles that get indefinitively smaller and smaller. You never get to end the game.
During this time, the machine would take away your soul, becoming moe and more human. The wish that was supposed to be answered by the machine is, at the end, the wish of the machine: being human.

To communicate the project, I decided that the best way was to make a movie, a kind of advertising with all the symbols of the consumerism and our trust into objects to make us happier. That is why I chose to make a movie from collages. I did it with the software Adobe Flash Cs4. It was my first use of it for a school work.

The video here:

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